Wordy Wednesday-Amassed


I love words! And I love to read! So each Wednesday I’m going to grab an unfamiliar or unusual word I’ve discovered in some of my favorite books. I’ll post the meaning and the paragraph I’ve found the word to show its usage. If so inclined, check out the book and author’s website by clicking on the links below the paragraph. Happy Reading, Cyndi



1) To collect into a mass or heap; to gather a great quantity of; to accumulate; as, to amass a treasure or a fortune; to amass words or phrases.

Origin: Latin massa “lump.”

“Amassed.” – Wiktionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/amassed.


Our Husband, by Stephanie Bond

She opened her mouth to say that he and his man Nolen were both insane. Then she remembered that when the phone rang, she’d been cursing Raymond for losing their life savings. No, make that her life savings. “I was angry. I’d just found out something he’d done,” she stammered. 
“That he was already married?”
 “No. That he had amassed a great deal of debt without telling me.”


Read more: Our Husband, by Stephanie Bond.

3 thoughts on “Wordy Wednesday-Amassed

  1. Love “amassed.” Will use it sometime in my own work. But I’m going to amass a lot of wealth instead. It’s more fun that way.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

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