And the Winners are…

We’ve had quite a month of contests and giveaways, so I’m here to announce the WINNERS!

Congratulations to Jen Martin for winning yesterdays $10 Amazon gift card. The after Valentine’s Day Facebook party was a blast!

Woot! Donna Squaw is the winner of February 12th’s Cover Reveal post. You have the choice of receiving one of the following eBooks: Keep the Promise, Remember the Promise, or Honor the Promise.

KeepthePromise 500x750 (1)PromisetoRemember 500x750 (1)HonorthePromise 500x750 (1)

Way to Go!! Diana M wins the signed copy of Virna DePaul’s upcoming release Turned.

For now, I’m heading back into the writing cave and working on my next novella in the Promises Series, Share the Promise.

Happy Reading, Cyndi

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