Happy Labor Day!

To Every Thing there is a Season

Wow…time flies! Seems like yesterday, I was stressing about finding a house after ours sold, worrying about my sons and praying they’d find direction in their lives/careers, and trying to enjoy family beach time celebrating Memorial Day with so many other things on my mind.

Three months later, here we are Labor Day weekend and the official close of summer. My youngest son is now a college freshman. Woot! The oldest son secured a surgical assistant position at a prestigious hospital. Once again, I’m a beaming mom!

And ready to share my light with you!

Best of all, my hubs and I finally bought a house and renovations are in the works to make the park-side house a home! It has been a long but thrilling process. I am a bit sad to leave my farm behind and especially my pigmy goats and chickens but, thankfully, the new owners love my babies and are going to keep them in the pastures they’ve always roamed. :). (Aren’t they adorable!!!)


Another shining moment of my summer was being named one of iBooks Rising Stars in Romance. It’s such an honor to be included with so many wonderful authors and have Spirit Released, Jake and Faith’s story, celebrated in such a way. (Winner of the drawing will be contacted shortly.)

As I head into this new chapter of my life, I’ve realized how important you all are to me. I’ve missed you. I’ve grown to understand life can be a struggle—a season that will pass—and a time that also has to be shared and not hidden away. I’m hoping to share more about me in the future.

Writing wise, I’m delving deeper into my latest hero Mason from my Whisper Cove series. The Whisper Cove series is very near and dear to my heart. I cannot wait to bring you all Mason and Katrina’s story, the fourth Whisper Cove book! I am almost finished writing their romance and itching to share it! October holds a lot of excitement for me. I’m looking forward to my annual writer’s retreat on the east coast where myself along with 10 other great friends and authors will be writing and swapping tales of our ongoing lives. Finally, on October 27th Mason’s book, Spirit Returned hits ebook stores! Until then, I will be jumping for joy and anxious with anticipation!

I’d love to hear about your favorite stories from the summer, hardships too, or what you are looking forward to this fall!

As always, happy reading!

2 thoughts on “Happy Labor Day!

  1. We’ve had a busy summer. I’m wrapping up edits of zombie book 2 and it is up for preorder! Funny how book 1 took 4 years to write and book 2 took like 7 months, maybe. I’d like to believe it is because I’ve grown as a writer. My son is home from the army (for good) and that has made for a very happy summer.

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